Nomcebo is a Social Worker by Profession who graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of KwaZulu Natal. Her qualification is backed up by substantial experience in Child Protection and HIV Management. She has been in the humanitarian Sector for the past 18 years.
In her professional work, she is very passionate about the rights of women and children and has been working in that area for over a very long time. Having said that, she had spent close to 11 years working under PEPFAR programs, equipping her with the necessary skills to manage donor funded projects. She has worked with several organizations in different service areas e.g. Nhlangano AIDS, Training, Information and Counselling Centre (NATICC), NERCHA, Royal Swaziland Sugar Cooperation, Pact, Bantwana, NERCHA. The main highlight being the one where she led the development of the National Case Management system, a project that saw the Department of Social Welfare through USAID funding, collaboration with Bantwana and other partners to come up with a system that will harmonize and standardized Case Management in the country.
Nomcebo seeing the need to grow in HIV Management enrolled and completed a Postgraduate Diploma in HIV & AIDS Management whilst she is currently studying towards a Masters in Organization Leadership and Change Management. Nomcebo is more than ready to take up the challenge. Moya Centre has service areas that will give her an opportunity to ensure that we deliver quality services and adhering to national guideline. The Board, Stakeholders, Partners, Staff and beneficiaries are excited for this new chapter for Moya Centre.