On the 8th of March 2022, the chosen day to commemorate the International Woman’s Day globally; Moya hosted a #BreakTheBias Event for thirty (30) caregivers, counsellors, youth leaders and staff members. It was a day filled with great sweet treats, fun activity, engaging topics and some goodies to take home. The theme was, Mobilising, Working Together and Breaking Bias in many areas of our lives. Our area is a peri urban community, that means it still retains rural and village aspects whilst also being in proximity to cities and suburbs. This melting pot of cultural gumbo makes for very unique issues that women can be faced with.

For the next couple of years, we at Moya have made Gender Equity and Women Empowerment a core pillar of our programs. The pandemic and political instability have further magnified the inequality between women and men that ultimately affects the children they raise. Our new project called Partners in Parenting (PiP SD) which kicks of on the first of April 2022, will for the next three (3) years be targeting young mothers and fathers in trainings for more male involvement in raising children. Why include men, you may ask? Our data accrued over years of serving the Lobamba Lomdzala community has enlightened us to the fact that the women are so burdened with child rearing activities that they cannot invest any time into self-development.

At Moya we understand that Women empowerment is a multifaceted concept that shouldn’t exclude mental and physical wellbeing. Our Psychosocial support Officer spoke to the women about mental health and the Studio 21 dance team led the ladies through a half hour dance fit activity to build confidence and fitness levels. Our main speaker, Activist Zakithi Sibandze from the Swaziland Rural Women’s Assembly gave a passionate and inspiring presentation on how women can organize, mobilize and support each other on issues affecting their lives.
To find out more about our Women Empowerment activities please stay tuned to our website and social media platforms.
Kanye Kanye, we can break the Bias.
To support the women in the Lobamba Lomdzala community, please donate to our Global Giving Project: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/political-unrest-relief-fund-for-moya-communities/